Friday, January 23, 2009

Best Picture Vote?

For the first time in a while, I have seen AND enjoyed (for different reasons) all five nominations for Best Picture (don't forget, Feb. 22nd @ the Oscars). My vote goes to Slumdog; awesome pic. Yesterdays news that it is just now screening in India with some trepidation is interesting. "The" dream in India is to make it; just like the actors from Slumdogs.
Your vote?


  1. Slumdog gets my vote. Nothing can touch it for originality and creativity. You can almost smell and touch India while you are watching it

  2. I've only seen "Slumdog," "Milk" and "Benjamin Button," but I still think "Milk" deserves the Oscar. It was brilliantly acted and the subject matter is incredibly relevant and important. Both "Slumdog" and "Benjamin Button" were excellent too.
